The Fashion Report is a weekly Final Fantasy XIV event at the Manderville Gold Saucer, and this week’s theme is Impaired Visionary. The 29 Best Beauty Looks From Paris Fashion Week Street Style. Enjoy the convenience of our Schwan's delivery today! Fashion Report: MGP: 80 points for full MGP. Speak with Masked Rose at the Gold Saucer (X:7. For the mini game the Masked Rose gives out 4 hints for players to discover the results to. Body (Cooking up a Storm): Augmented / Galleykeep's Whites, Galleymaster's Whites, Augmented / Galleyking's Apron, Culinarian's Apron. It’s the last weekend where you can purchase the Final Fantasy 15 event rewards for FF14: including a fancy flying car, a nice new haircut, and a powerful Triple Triad card. News Desk Formal FF14 Fashion Report Solution. The Fashion Report is a new challenge at the Gold Saucer wherein Masked Rose issues a theme to which players must dress themselves, then go before him for judging. For example, this week is the Fangs Bared Challenge. The weekly Fashion Report is one of the best ways to rack up MGP, but it’s also the one that requires the most extra effort and research.

tv/meoniSupport Meoni Here:ht FASHION REPORT WEEK 181. com/r/ffxiv/comments/ojbhai/fashion_report_for_week_of_20210713/Watch Meoni LIVE on. This week you need to cook up a storm with your outfit. Fashion report ff14 week 181 This casino features a host of minigames that earn MGP, which in turn you can use to buy exclusive cosmetics.