Nice one! I just got my Rift yesterday and it's incredibly frustrating to not have a clone mode on my GTX 690, Arghhhhh!!! Anyway, it looks like this solution will be the answer, so i'll most definitely try this when I get home, thanks for the information! Right click on the left display in the image, and choose "Clone with > 2". From here, go to "Set up multiple displays" item on the left, enable the Rift DK display, and then the image should show your two displays side by side. It should show up somewhere in your system tray, or alternatively you can right click the desktop and choose "NVIDIA Control Panel". You need to configure the multiple monitors through the Nvidia control panel.

Aha, I've figured out how to do it! So, for anybody else who is having the same problem with having both the Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia GT 630M graphics, here's the solution: