Adjusted Empire space station shield generator hit points to be balanced properly with the Rebel space station shield generator hit points at all tech levels. Imperial Star Destroyer tractor beam now reduces frigate and corvette speed by 85% Accuser tractor beam now holds Corvettes and Frigates in place Corvette class ships (both Empire and Rebel) now do slightly less damage to mining facilities Reduced Corellian Gunship hit points by 15% Increased shield strength of Corellian Gunship by 15% Reduced Corellian Corvette shield health by 10%

Reduced the accuracy of corvettes (both Empire and Rebel) vs. Corrected an issue for missing Japanese characters in the disconnect screen Corrected issue for player's getting kicked from a game due to the game host clicking on their name Corrected several issues related to spaces being used in player names Players who need to download a custom map in order to play in a particular game will automatically download that map when joining the game. Support added for auto-downloading of custom maps. NOTE: The Editor is available through a separate download. Players can now play on maps made with the STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR editor. Victory Star destroyers now only spawn 2 sets of TIE Bombers squadrons (down from 3) Acclamators only spawn 1 TIE Bomber squadron (down from 2) and 3 TIE Fighter squadrons (down from 4) Tartan "All Power to Weapons" duration was reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds The Imperials now starts with 2 TIE Fighter squadrons instead of 3 The Corellian Corvette price was reduced from 1850 to 1800 credits Corellian Corvettes and Tartans now become available at Tech Level 2 instead of Tech Level 1 Millenium Falcon "Invulnerability" duration was reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds Corrected a saved game issue that occurred after installing the 1.04 patch. If the update does not locate STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR on your system, you may need to reinstall the game and then run EAWUpdate1_3.exe again. The installer will automatically search for the folder where you originally installed STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR and install the update.

Installation: After downloading the update, double click on EAWUpdate1_5.exe to install. Star Wars: Empire at War by Petroglyph Games - retail v1.05 patch